"It is shortsightedness to look too far into the future. Winston Churchill
Everything is getting more expensive, including money. Juggling financial ratios and deadlines has long been discredited. The ability to speak the same language as potential investors is valued. Developing a financial model is the most important stage of entering the investment market.
A financial model is not a set of figures and graphs for slides, but an effective management tool that helps to calculate different development scenarios and business prospects. In any case, without specifics and calculations, long-term investment forecasts seem unreliable and abstract. This is why the risk/return ratio is of particular interest. A well-prepared financial model
solves the investor's dilemma and shows how he or she can save money and increase the investment by answering questions:
- Who are the company's customers and what is the size of the market?
- What are the main drivers of income and expenditure?
- What is the value of the business?
- What is on offer to investors and how much can they earn?