Market Analysis
Don't take a top-down approach to the market - don't say you'll get "1% of the market"! Nobody believes predictions without evidence. Investors want to know how you will reach your target market. What will the sales cycle be? What marketing strategy will you use?
Present your promotion strategy to investors. Describe the channels and approaches you will use for different segments of the target audience. Specify the economic indicators you will use to manage the business. If you mention strategic partnerships, indicate the companies with which you have signed or plan to sign contracts.
Financial projections are the most important slideDo you want an investor to fund your project? Show them why it makes sense for them to do so! Planned revenues, expenses, profits, cash flows and other financial metrics must be presented clearly and convincingly so that investors can evaluate the project's potential and make an informed decision to fund it.
Financial projections show how the invested business will grow and how much profit it can generate in the future. The presentation should show which steps will increase revenue and reduce costs. Eifos Hub carries out
in-depth financial analyses and assesses the investment opportunities of client projects. We pay particular attention to financial forecasts: we analyse risks and develop individual business growth plans.
Meeting with investors and pitching your idea to them is an exciting event. Regardless of the format (online or in person), it is important to remember that a well-constructed presentation will sell even raw projects, while promising ideas will fail completely in a silly presentation.
The presentation reveals the essence of the problem, shows the solution. It shows what it will bring to the client and, of course, what the investor will get when it is implemented. If we look beyond the external trappings of the presentation, we can see that its essence is selling. What kind of presentations attract investors? Let's get to the bottom of this.
No long introductions
What makes you special? Don't expect investors to guess. Show them what makes you different. You have three minutes. If you engage the audience, they'll listen longer. If you don't, they'll quickly stop you. Speak the investors' language. Use industry vocabulary.
Structure is important
Structure is important in a presentation. A clear argument requires an equally clear presentation. Conversely, if your thoughts are confused, they cannot be clearly structured.
Eifos Hub offers comprehensive solutions for business development, while at the same time ensuring the correct support of investor assets. A well thought-out and colourful presentation is an important step on the way to successfully attracting investment. There are many nuances to consider, from the visual design to the logic of the presentation.
One slide - one thought
Each slide in the presentation should contain only one main thought or idea, expressed in three to five arguments, without being overloaded with unnecessary data. This helps to make the presentation more visual and easier for the audience to understand. Each slide becomes a focal point, which helps to better understand the material being presented.